Google Page Rank Tips
{ Posted on 11:56 AM
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They deal with web site changes over time that Google might track and analyze:
creation date
changes web page
updates web page
the analysis of search investigation
links, link texts and the changes of the links
traffic of site
user comments
web page topics
domain related information
Google might assign a score to web pages based on that information. When a web page is associated with a search query, Google might combine history scores with relevancy scores to get a total score for the page.
Alternatively, the relevancy score of a web page might be changed based on the history score.
While that information was already available in previous patents, the new patents indicate that Google could also look at the following factors:
The rate at which ads are shown and updated on a web page over time.
The quality of the ads. For example, a web page whose ads link to web pages with a high Trust Rank may get a higher score than pages whose ads lead to untrustworthy sites.
The click-through rate of the ads.
Googly (google bot) might track and analyze web page characteristics that change over time, including ad traffic, to calculate a score for that page.
What does this mean for your website rankings?
It seems that Google starts to use more of the information that they have about a website to calculate the rankings.
That means that you need a holistic approach to search engine optimization. All factors must be correct when you optimize your site for search engines:
Make sure that your web page content is relevant to search engines. Without relevant content, you cannot get high rankings.
Make sure that you get links from the right pages and that you link to the right pages. The links from and to your website should be related to your site.
Make sure that your website shows steadiness. If your website was yesterday about cars, today about shoes and tomorrow about sports then it will be difficult to get high rankings.
Google uses many factors to determine the rankings of your web site. That means that you have to work on many factors to improve your rankings.
PageRank Versus "Toolbar" PageRank
Those PageRank scores that you can see? Those are often referred to as "toolbar" PageRank. This is different from what's often called "internal" PageRank.
Internal PageRank are the PageRank scores that Google uses as part of its ranking algorithm. Those scores are constantly being updated. In contrast, the PageRank scores that Google allows the world to see -- Toolbar PageRank -- is a snapshot of internal PageRank taken every few months.
What's important here? If you're a brand new site, you'll likely have a low or no PageRank score reported in the Google Toolbar. That might concern you, even though it will mostly impact whether you get crawled regularly (the higher your PageRank, the more likely Google will regularly revisit your pages). It does also have an impact on your ranking ability, of course.
It's likely that after a few weeks, you'll have gained some internal PageRank. You might see more traffic, as a result. But outwardly, the Google Toolbar PageRank meter will still show your same old depressing score. Then a snapshot will be made, and the better score you get will reflect what's already been happening behind the scenes.
More info on PageRank from Google's Matt Cutts explain more about this and other aspects of PageRank. You can also try the Future PageRank tool if you hear from various sources that a PageRank update is in progress for the toolbar. It might give you an early glimpse at your score to come.
Page Rank tells how important a page is, relatively speaking, compared to other pages.
Page Rank is just one of MANY ranking factors used to determine ranking in search results.
High Page Rank does NOT guarantee a high search ranking for any particular term. If it did, then PR10 sites like Adobe would always show up for any search you do. They don't.
The anchor text of a link is often far more important than whether it's on a high Page Rank page.
If you really want to know what are the most important, relevant pages to get links from, forget Page Rank. Think search rank. Search for the words you'd like to rank for. See what pages come up tops in Google. Those are the most important and relevant pages you want to seek links from.
Increase your website Google PageRank
1. Link is the best and probably the fastest way to improve your page rank.
2. Submit to directories. Submit to as many directories as you possibly can – that are free.
3. Update your blog everyday y adding UNIQUE page. If your site has good content, more than likely you’ll attract a large viewer.
4. Provide inside linking within your blog.
2. Submit to directories. Submit to as many directories as you possibly can – that are free.
3. Update your blog everyday y adding UNIQUE page. If your site has good content, more than likely you’ll attract a large viewer.
4. Provide inside linking within your blog.
5 Steps to Increase ur Page Rank.
1. Join forums. And use your Site Address as signature or user name.
2. Submit to search engine directories.
3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters).
4. Write & publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic
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