Earn money from internet by Google Adsense.
{ Posted on 12:28 PM
by Best earn mony help
Google Adsense with medium blogging use to technology minimum only 500 to 1000 dollars earns monthly!
What is Google Adsense: Google Adsense famous for search engine Google a popular advertising program, many people of this world to will do changed fortune myself by this program!
Blogging: blogging means to give serves or Blogging website means any free website service holders called Blogging website, if you have a self website so that you earns 500 dollars to 1000 dollars better than earns by the Advertisement!
Process of Adsense: Google Adsense method of three
(1) Create E-mail Account: Gmail (or any) stay would be new e-mail Account or old e-mail account.
(2) Create website: Create a website or blog yourself.
(3)Create Adsense Account: Your Google Adsense an Account have to make, website that www.google.com/adsense below Account have to make from website.
Create free website: You free website and Google Adsense by you can earns to advertisement for website. however, at the present free website open popular website is www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com under the blow free website by you can make very good free website!
Adsense configure and get code: If you want to Advertisement for your website so that visit www.Google..com/Adsense to go sing in and Adsense setup option to go you can any kinds of Advertisement!
Seo: seo is full meaning Search engine optimization. if you want to introduce your website in the world please go to www.google.com/addurel and add your website!
Tips:How to Increase you Adsense Revenue with Google
(1)Find your best keywords:
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density.A free and advanced tool finding the most prominet keywords in a page can be found here: Seo Density Analizer'
copy the most important keywords to a text file (web page name)-adsense-keywords.txt
(2) Improve your Keywords: Get keyword suggestion from overture search inventory and from Google adwords sandbox, Get new keywords that can help you ad relevance. Enter the keywords from (web page-name)-adsense-keywords.text and save the suggestion to (web page-name)-adsense-suggestion.text
(3)Write a new page every day:
one of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have. the more visitors you will get put an Adsense unit on each and every content page of your site. By where? You will find more about that from the next Adsense tips.
(4)Choose the right Adsense format correctly:
(a) 336*280 large rectangle.
(b)300*250 medium rectangle.
(c)160*600 wide skyscraper.
(5) What to avoid:
(a) Don't click on your own ads.
(b)Don't advise others to click on your Google ads.
(c) Don't manually change Adsense code.
(d) Don't place Google ads on site that include prohibited content(e.g: adult or sex site).
(e) Don't employ cloaking. hidden text or farm links.
(f) Don;t use Adsense ads on the same page with similar ads(e.g:Yahoo publisher Network).
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