If you have your own website or blog with good number of visitors, then you can earn a good amount of money by placing advertisements on your website. There are some third party websites what serves ad on your webpage and pays you. All you need to do is just register with one of them and after logging into your account you will get some HTML ad code. Then place those codes on your webpages and ads will start appearing. The thirdparty website will pay you on the basis of how much visitor views and clicks on those ads. Finally after each month you will get paid via check, paypal or other payment systems.
Casale Media is a reputable 1st tier ad network. You earn 70% revenue share which can earn you anywhere from $0.45-$1.20 CPM on each banner ad you use. Put one of each banner ad format on each page of your site and you can earn anywhere from $1.30-$3.60 Page CPM.
Payment method: check or PayPal Minimum payout: $25
Generate Money by placing quality ValueClick Media advertising on your website. Earn up to an industry-high 65% monthly payout on all CPC and CPM advertising revenue your website generates! Also refer other publishers and earn 5% of their earnings. Ad formats that can be used on your site include 728/468 Banner
Payment method: check or PayPal Minimum payout: $25
AdBrite is the advertising service that enables the people who visit your site to purchase ads directly on your site. You decide which ad products to offer and what to charge for them. AdBrite serves your ads, bills your advertisers, and sends you a monthly check.
With BidVertiser you can now make money from your Website or Blog by getting paid for every click! All you have to do is display the BidVertiser text ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other. You will always recieve the highest earnings per click as BidVertiser will
Earn an industry high 65% monthly payout on all advertising revenue your website generates! InterClick has been able to attract some of the biggest names in online advertising and only runs the highest quality ads. This enables us to pay our publishers more than any other network. We have the
Payment method: check or PayPal Minimum payout: $50
AdToll is an ad management network allowing webmasters to make money selling ads on their sites! Providing text and banner ads in a range of sizes, webmasters can customize the look of their ads and integrate them seamlessly within their sites. High 75% commissions payable monthly via Cheque, Wire Transfer, PayPal
Payment method: check or PayPal Minimum payout: $20