How to Start a Web Directory to Make Money on the Internet - Part 1
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The World Wide Web is filled with opportunities for all types of people to make money. Whether you're a writer, a webmaster, an affiliate marketer, a direct seller, or a niche marketer, there are an infinite number of ways in which someone can make money on the internet. Out of all the millions of ways that people have found to be successful in their money-making ventures, one of those ways to make money is by creating a web directory. There are many people who may think that creating a web directory is a difficult process, but in reality it's as simple as driving to the store.
Ideas for a Web Directory
The first thing that you should know about web directories is that there are different types. In order to make money with your web directory, the first idea that you should come up with is what type of web directory you will give to the internet world. The 2 basic types of web directories are general directories and specialty niche directories. The difference between the two ideas is pretty simple: general web directories contain more than one category over a whole range of topics, such as business, shopping, dining, and travel. Niche web directories, on the other hand, offer one specific category to internet users, but there may be several specific topics within the category. For example, bus travel could be a category inside a niche directory about travel.
Setting Up Your Web Directory
Once you have figured out which type of web directory you want to make money online with, the next thing you must do is to set up the website. This is pretty simple to do because all you need is the PHP Link Directory Software installed to your domain page. The PHP Link Directory is the most popular software for setting up web directories so one should have no trouble getting a hold of it. After the software is installed the directory owner then must decide which categories to add and which to exclude. This is where the part comes in where you will really be making money with your web directory.
Ideas for a Web Directory
The first thing that you should know about web directories is that there are different types. In order to make money with your web directory, the first idea that you should come up with is what type of web directory you will give to the internet world. The 2 basic types of web directories are general directories and specialty niche directories. The difference between the two ideas is pretty simple: general web directories contain more than one category over a whole range of topics, such as business, shopping, dining, and travel. Niche web directories, on the other hand, offer one specific category to internet users, but there may be several specific topics within the category. For example, bus travel could be a category inside a niche directory about travel.
Setting Up Your Web Directory
Once you have figured out which type of web directory you want to make money online with, the next thing you must do is to set up the website. This is pretty simple to do because all you need is the PHP Link Directory Software installed to your domain page. The PHP Link Directory is the most popular software for setting up web directories so one should have no trouble getting a hold of it. After the software is installed the directory owner then must decide which categories to add and which to exclude. This is where the part comes in where you will really be making money with your web directory.
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